Fall Into Organizing!
With the end of summer, I am reminded of all the opportunity that fall brings. We have a chance to re-think and refresh all areas in our lives that have taken a back seat during the relaxed summer months. This could be a desk space, a cluttered chest of drawers or a whole room.
Organization can be quite a daunting and overwhelming project. Starting small and choosing specific projects in your home is key and can make a large project doable. Is there a space in your home that instantly comes to mind that is seriously lacking structure? There are spaces in our homes that are vying for our attention. We all have them.
One of the easiest things to do is stuff items in a cabinet, chest of drawers or dresser because when things become “out of sight” they become “out of mind”. It can be very energizing to purge everything that has collected for months that have no real purpose. Fall is a great time to make needed purchases from small organizers to large built-in shelves and cabinets. After all – everything should have a place. You will find these newly organized spaces to hold your special items not only a perfect fit but a release of stress and headaches.
Simplifying your desk space allows for a clear mind while working and also increases your productivity. I cannot work in a space that is messy or covered with knickknacks and accessories. I need room to work with my tools close by. This is where the statement “less is more” comes to mind. Now, this is not to say that desk bling is not important! I love the look of a wire basket to hold my current project samples and materials. Adding an unexpected touch like deer antlers to crown a stack of books makes for a more decorative look. Updating your photos in a favorite frame to include current vacations will not only refresh the look, but also help get through a busy work day with a smile.
Good luck and happy organizing!
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